This page contains vocabulary from the book by chapters
Chapter 1 and 2
Circulated: to move in a circle or pattern
Contrary: opposite
Disgracefully: doing something that is not accepted by others
Scurry: to hurry or run
Intruders: people that break into a place
Entertainment: something that interests someone
Fringe: An edge or border
Scuffling: to walk around confused
Perish: to die
Vain: conceited or to proud of yourself
Chapter 3
Buckle: when someone works very hard
Impatiently: unable to wait
Incredulously: unbelievable
Vivid: Bright and lively
Telegraph: A device that sends messages across long distances through radio
in code
Chapter 4
Arithmetic: math
Admiration: liking and respecting someone
Cerise: deep pinkish red color
Shuddered: To shake because you are cold or scared
Pretended: To make believe
Chapter 5
Murmured: to say in a voice too low to be heard clearly
Admiringly: To regard with pleasure, wonder, and approval
Unfortunately: Not wise, proper or suitable
Monitor: to watch
Expectant: looking forward to or waiting for something
Chapter 6
Assailed: to have attacked violently
Consoled: to comfort someone
Remnants: pieces or parts of something that is left over
Dilapidated: partly fallen off
Chapter 7
Intently: doing something you are setermined to
Transparent: clear and can be seen through
Cornucupias: a container in the shape of a horn
Hastily: speedy or quickly